Steve Roenker, co-founder, and director of My Nose Turns Red Theatre Company, has 30+ years of experience as a performer and arts educator. The great clowns and physical comedians of his childhood sparked Steve’s interest in the theatrical clown and youth circus. The list includes Lucille Ball, Desi Arnez, Red Skelton, Sid Caesar, and the entire cast of Your Show of Shows. In his tween and early teen years, he discovered the great clowns of the silent movie era: Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd. Eventually, this love of physical comedy became Steve’s career path. Steve studied clowning from John Towsen and mime from E. Reid Gilbert. In 2006, Steve had the opportunity to study with Cirque du Soleil’s Cirque du Monde focusing on teaching circus skills for at-risk youth. Since 1997, Steve has been directing My Nose Turns Red youth circus program.
Jean St. John, co-founder, and volunteer began working with Steve Roenker in Lexington, Kentucky in 1980. By 1984, they moved to Cincinnati and officially incorporated as My Nose Turns Red Theatre Company. Jean studied mime from E. Reid Gilbert and clowning with Avner Eisenberg. Together Jean and Steve toured for 15 years performing as Juice and Shootang, their clown characters, for schools, libraries, special events, performing arts series, and conferences. Their work included in-school residencies with the Kentucky Arts Council and professional development for teachers. Jean continues to be inspired by the youth as they learn new skills, become team members and share their talents with others. Having worked in youth circus long enough to see many students graduate high school, attend college and start their own careers, she is impressed with the values it instills by challenging physical skills, developing leadership and teamwork, and demanding dedication—all through the joy of performance. Jean was hired as the executive director on April 1, 2019.
Coaching Staff

Circus Youth in Action – Teen coaches Circus Youth in Action (CYA) is My Nose Turns Red’s teen leadership program. Members are a part of MNTR’s Advanced Circus Ensemble. They receive instruction on safety, giving instruction, etc. as well as developing solo and group acts. CYA members are valuable members of MNTR’s teaching staff. Many serve as assistant instructors at camps and after-school programs.
Board of Directors
November 2024
Grace Royalty
Judicial Law Clerk
Other Affiliations: President, Art League of Cincinnati
Matthew Curran
Robbins Kelly Patterson & Tucker LPA
Other Affiliations: YMCA Adventure Guides Program, Cincinnati BAR Foundation
Erin Roll
Associate Senior Interior Designer
Nicolette J. van der Klaauw
Product Developer & Sensory Scientist Proctor & Gamble
Cecilia Tio
Lumen Digital In-house Corporate Counsel
Other Affiliations: Tiger Lily Press, Pro Bono, Mentors Students at the University of Cincinnati College of Law – Entrepreneurship and Community Development